Guerrilla vs Digital Marketing: Which Packs a Bigger Punch

We’re drunk on digital. Metrics, targeting, trackable ROI. It’s intoxicating. But are we missing the forest for the trees?

Guerrilla marketing, when done right, creates moments. Cultural touchstones. Things people actually want to talk about.

A vending machine dispensing dirty water. Netflix streaming billboards that change in real-time.

These aren’t ads. They’re experiences. Conversation starters.
Digital puts your message in front of eyeballs. Guerrilla puts your brand in people’s minds.

The smartest marketers? They’re blending both. Using digital to amplify real-world stunts. Leveraging guerrilla tactics to drive online engagement.

It’s not either/or. It’s both/and.

The question isn’t digital or guerrilla. It’s how to use both to create marketing that actually matters.

Because in a world of endless scrolling, the brands that stand out are the ones that make us stop, think, and share.

What’s your next move?